
From concept through completion, to long-term maintenance and seasonal upgrades, we can provide a beautiful, high quality, afforable maintenance for your living and work environment.  

Salguero Landscaping is a full-service provider. We are primarily in the business of routine lawn and landscape maintenance for commercial and residential properties. We are Christian owned & family operated.

We provide professional quality services every time we visit you. We respond quickly to your concerns and we stand behind any service we provide. We have extensive knowledge in different areas such as grasses, trees, plants, bushes, tropicals and ground covers.  

At Salguero Landscaping, we believe in providing exceptional service and only use the highest quality product available for each of our clients. Our staff is professionally trained in all areas of landscape. We strive to meet and beat our clients  Landscape dreams and budgets.

We rely mostly on referrals to grow our business. We service San Antonio.  We offer complete landscape design, installation and maintenance at an affordable price.
All prices are competitive and affordable. We offer free estimates and lawn analysis. We then make our recommendations based on the customer's desires and budget. 


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